Tuesday 23 July 2013

Redwoods Mountain Biking

After our day at Tongariro, the five of us went to Redwoods, just outside Rotorua for some downhill mountain biking. Scott, Lesley and Finn are really into it, and Finn is a wee daredevil on a bike. I hadn't been on a bike since I was a kid, so talk about jumping in at the deep end!! lol The weather was awful. The rain was pelting it, and we were soaked to the skin from the offset. I had trouble turning corners, which isn't ideal on a twisting downhill mountain bike track but I gave it all a go. I had a few falls, one was a bit dodgy, falling on the middle bar after attempting to put both feet on the ground during a panic emergency stop!!! Ouch :-) Stuart loved it, he was really good, and even though it was raining, it was so much fun.

We all looked a right state by the time we left. But oh I suffered the next day, my bum was so sore I spent most of my time at work standing up!!

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