Tuesday 23 July 2013

Rangitoto Island

Stuart and Lesley planned to go climbing with Finn and another couple from work, not my idea of fun, so Scott and I went out to Rangitoto Island. It is an active volcano just out from Auckland (gave me an excuse to go on another ferry trip :-) I love going out on boats!)

We did the walk up the summit crater, and the weather was awesome. The whole island is made up of lava flows from the last eruption, soaking up the sun and making it sweltering hot. I got burnt in July!! It's meant to be winter!!

The summit crater was pretty cool, and completely covered with trees and bush. I thought all volcanic soil was too toxic to grow anything, but apparently not. The summit was 260m (850ft) and gave beautiful views looking back over Auckland.

We explored some lava caves, without torches, just to be crazy, but luckily didn't trip and break any bones.

Another relaxing walking day out with Scott, and topped off nicely with an ice cream when back in Auckland :-)

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