Monday 29 July 2013

Mount Cook

Last time we went to Mount Cook, we were snowed in and had to camp in the visitor centre car park. So we thought we would revisit and see it in a different light.
On the way, we had a quick lunch stop at Lake Tekapo with its beautiful turquoise waters. It was blowing a hoolie, but we still saw some crazy young tourists take a dip in the water. We could hear them scream from our side of the inlet!!

 Once at Mount Cook the weather was much clearer than last time. Before, we drove in in a snow storm, and didn't get to see anything until we woke up the next morning deep in snow.

This time though, we got to see Mount Cook village, but only the base of Mount Cook itself. It was hidden up in the clouds somewhere, but we spent a cold night at the bottom of it anyway.
We hoped to maybe do the walk into Tasman Glacier the next morning, but unfortunately it was raining, and the visibility very low, so that idea was soon abandoned. It was still nice to have another look though at Mount Cook, and it's a pretty awesome drive in....worth it!

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