Friday 26 July 2013

Ohau Seal Colony

While in Kaikoura, Stuart and I visited the fur seal colony at Ohau stream. The stream walk goes from the sea up to a waterfall via little rock pools. At this time of year, the whole stream was full of seal pups.

 The parents go out to sea by day to hunt for food, leaving all the pups to play in the shelter of the stream. They are so inquisitive, and definitely not shy. They come right up to you. We saw one trying to play with a little girl!!

When up at the waterfall there are so many of them, playing about in the pool. It was awesome to see.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shona, sorry to hear things haven't worked out for you both in NZ, glad you got round to updating the blog though, was wondering what had happened after January! Get in touch if you can, I lost your contact details not long after you left and just had the blog address :) Hope you are both well
