Monday 22 October 2012

Off to the North!

And we are away! Saying goodbye to the South Island and hello to the North!

The crossing was beautiful but very rough. You have to weave among the Marlborough Sounds which was very picturesque and very unlike any ferry trip I've taken before, but once out on the open sea it was a bit hairy. There were people being sick all over the place, all toilets full. I really needed to use the bathroom but decidied to hold it in until I got to Wellington, because the smell of other people puking was enough to nearly make me follow. Even the sheep down in cargo weren't doing too well, they were giving out some stink!

Stuart and I spent the crossing out on the back deck reading. I even took a nap, because the rocking was sending me off to sleep! The waves were crashing up over the bow so they closed the front deck, I managed to find a way round the side though and got to watch them from there. The crossing ended up taking us over 4 hours rather than the predicted 3 and a half due to the weather. But we've made it, bring on the North Island adventure!! :-)

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