Thursday 17 January 2013

Mid North Rodeo

Now did you ever think that New Zealand would one of the four countries taking part in Rodeo? USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand make up the Rodeo champions. Stuart and I went to the Mid North event last weekend. It was one of the coolest things I've ever been to.

Real cowboys, with full gear, some of them cowboys as a profession. They had built a rodeo ring with stalls for the bulls and broncs. We watched bull riding, saddle bronc, bare back riding, and even a calf event for the little kids. It was so sweet seeing the little cowboys trying to ride the bucking calves.

We also saw some pretty nasty accidents. One of the bull fighters who was helping chase the bulls from the ring, got kicked in the face by the back end of a bull. He was stretchered off by the ambulance team, with the commentator stating his cheek wasn't quite in the same place anymore. One of the horses died in the ring. It was running around and then for some stupid reason ran head first into a closed gate. He had a heart attack and died straight away. They were all very honest about it, the vet said he was dead before he even hit the ground. And young cowboy fell from a bucking bronc and dislocated his elbow. Dangerous life, that of a cowboy!

There were also rope and tie events, where the cowboy was mounted, had to lasso a calf, jump from his horse and tie up the calf's legs. The quickest guy did it in just over 10s!!

We had a pretty surreal day, I really enjoyed it!

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