Wednesday 2 January 2013



Our first Christmas in the sunshine of New Zealand. It's pretty weird celebrating Christmas when it's hot outside, all the windows and doors are open, and you're enjoying breakfast wearing a summer dress! Aunt Janette made a spread of salmon and Californian cocktail. For the amount of food she had planned for the day, we had to start pretty early lol
Time for presents. Mum and Dad had sent parcels from Scotland, so it was great to open presents from them on Christmas morning. My Mum sent a beautiful jacket, totally my taste and style, prefect! :-) Aunt Janette made me the most beautiful box. She filled it with all small collections of old trinkets. It had hat pins, brooches, lace and linens, a perfume bottle, old scraps and loads more. I love it.
We had a ham and turkey Christmas dinner....cooked Kiwi style.............on the BBQ. Just as well, because no way would they be fitting in the oven! The ham was MASSIVE!
Although Stuart did attempt to eat it in a oner lol

Christmas dinner was very tasty. I piled my plate pretty high, and only just managed to finish it. Loosening off a couple of trouser buttons helped though.

 And no Christmas would be complete without the Christmas tree. Kiwi style......outdoors.
Instead of cheap Christmas cracker trinkets and jokes, Aunt Janette gave us Kiwi Christmas tree decorations. Santa on the beach, and a Santa and Tui campervan. Our first decorations for our tree next year.

After dinner we had to have some traditional Christmas cake. Abigail and I had decorated it the night before with a little icing snowman.We even had a play about without the excess making a summer sea scene. Arty eh? :-)

Marsipan fruits anyone?
It has been an awesome Christmas, fantastic to spend it with family. Stuart and I have really enjoyed these past few weeks with Aunt Janette and Uncle Alistair.

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