Saturday 18 August 2012

Hong Kong - Week 2

Trip in Hong Kong has finished! We have had a very interesting time with Mr Brodie :-) and also completed some tourist sites.

Witnessed Hong Kong engineering skills...........bamboo scaffolding!!!!! They use it everywhere, no steel in sight.

 Managed to visit the Hong Kong and Kowloon Gardens. A tiny piece of tranquillity surrounded by the chaos of Hong Kong.
 We even took a dip in the public pool, worked out the best hangover cure for Brodie's sore head.

We went up on the old peak Tram to the best viewpoint in Hong Kong. Luckily it was a semi clear day so we could make out the city and Lamma Island through the pollution :-)

We also took a tram ride through the city centre. It was the comfiest and less stressful way of experiencing the chaos without being amongst it.

And I can't not the mention the favourite part. The things I've tried here have been mouthwatering good, even the take-aways are fantastic. I'll need to learn how to make some of my favourites when I'm back home.

Thanks Brodie for an amazing holiday, I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was great seeing you. Take care!
And goodbye VLT......I will miss you! lol

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