Monday 6 August 2012

Hong Kong - Week 1

One week over already. Living on Lamma Island is so laid back, that a week has passed by already and most of it has been spent down the pub :-) Brodie is on first name terms with the landlady Joyce which doesn't surprise me.
I'm loving the ferry journeys on and off the island. It is pretty much a free for all, all ferries, container ships, fishing vessels, rubbish barges and small pleasure boats use the same small strip of water and play a game of dodgems to get to Hong Kong.

While being here we have ate so much nice food. Eating local Chinese on Lamma Island is so cheap, we have just been choosing random things from the menu and giving them a taste. If it's rotten it doesn't matter because it only cost £3. But we have been really lucky and only had one or two things we haven't enjoyed. I even managed to find a Japanese restaurant on the island, gives me memories of the gorgeous food back in Falkirk Sumo! :-)

Apart from stuffing our faces and going to the pub, we have managed to tick off some of the Hong Kong tourist musts........we have visited the traditional Hong Kong markets, totally crazy places. You won't believe the things they try to sell, a lot of it just looks like rubbish that we would chuck away, but they fix it all up and sell it on. We visited Stanley market today though and that was more like it, sold tourist nick nacks and clothing. I had to resist buying a lot of stuff since we are going to be living in a campervan soon and so no room for tat.

We took a trip on the Star Ferry, the oldest and cheapest ferry crossing in Hong Kong. It cost 2HKD which is about 15p.

Our plan for next week is to visit the Peak, take the tram ride through main street Hong Kong and visit some of the gardens and aviaries. I'll let you know how it goes!

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