Thursday 8 August 2013

Oamuru Penguins

Somewhere we went last year, but I had forgot to write about it on my blog, is Oamuru, and we thought we would go back. They have a Victorian precinct with old world markets, and is the headquarters of 'Steam Punk' in New Zealand. But what we went for are the little blue penguins. They have nesting boxes there, and at night the penguins return from their day of fishing out a sea in small groups. You can view them coming ashore and making their way up the rocks to the nesting boxes. They are so so small. You could fit them in your hands. We weren't allowed to take photos, so I've sourced some from the internet to give you an idea.
It was pretty dark and cold watching them, but they are just so cute, we had to see them again. 

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