Friday 7 December 2012

Kiwi hunters

Success! :-) we went out again looking for kiwi in the forest, and Stuart saw two kiwi! Unfortunately though I wasn't with him, the torch had ran out of batteries so he went back to the van to get more and saw them right next to the path. I couldn't believe I'd missed them so we stayed another night and went on the hunt again. We could hear them, the really loud screaming noise, and it seemed so close. Just as we gave up and were heading back to the van we saw two of them beside the path. One looked like it was about to walk out infront of us. They are really bizarre birds with their long beaks. It wasn't too fussed by our torch, just gave a grunting noise then wandered back into the bush. I was so chuffed. I can't believe we have seen wild kiwi :-) totally worth the late nights creeping through the forest!

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