Monday 12 November 2012


Auckland is HUGE!!! The roads are way to complex and fast for being in an old camper van. People totally bully you off the road! It's definitely a case of spaghetti junction here.
What always sticks out about Auckland? The Sky Tower of course. Back at work in Scotland I had the Auckland skyline as my PC desktop background and just had to see it for myself. What better way to soak in Auckland than viewing it from the observation deck of the Sky Tower! It is the highest man-made structure in the southern hemisphere. The way up is in a glass bottom elevator. Very cool! Although it makes you feel a bet queasy since it travels so fast (18km/hr I was told). 
From the top you get to see just how vast Auckland is. It stretches for miles and miles. And there are some glass panels that you can play about on, like Blackpool Tower when you are younger, and it feels so scary to walk over them! :-)

You can do a sky jump from the tower. It's a controlled base jump, and it looked very very tempting. But we just couldn't justify the cost. Everything is so expensive here, even the cost to park your car can make you cry! Auckland is just a fleeting visit, too crazy and expensive for us travellers lol

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