Wednesday 26 September 2012

Treble Cone and Lake Wanaka

Lake Wanaka is an absolutely beautiful place. The sun is constantly shining and its such a happy small town. Very mountain orientated where everyone there either skis or boards. The pubs are full of people just off the mountain at night to soothe the aches and pains.

We had our last day on the mountain at Treble Cone, but what a way to finish the season! The sun shone on us all day and the snow was absolutely perfect. Nice and soft. The runs were huge and there was a nice treat of the express chairlift back to the top rather than the usual T-bars and Pomas. Stuart even improved on his Oakleys tan lol

I've had an amazing time touring the mountains! I never thought I would be able to just live in a van with the boards in the back, and the only decision to make each day is 'what mountain next?', it's been incredible.
Now it's time to focus on touring the rest of the south. Time to pack away the snow gear......bye bye snowboarding................until next season!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I like this type of information which provides me lot of information about Treble Cone and Lake Wanaka.
    Treble Cone Nz
